Saturday, January 5, 2008

Why "Bloody Flag" and "Létendard Sanglant"?

The inspiration for the name of this blog,, as well as of the main site, L'é, comes from La Marseillaise, the French national anthem. We Americans often speak of our special relationship with England. However we have quite the special relationship with France also as without them, we would have been unlikely to have won the American Revolution. The Statue of Liberty is only the representation of the real gift of providing decisive aid to American independence. You will find the anthem in French and in English translation at Fordham. The bloody flag is raised in recognition that freedom and equality for all peoples are not well-established across the globe. Though for some the image of a bloody flag brings to mind the gore of war, one must remember that blood is not only that which oozes from a combative wound. The presence of blood can be a sign that something is amiss, such as the bleeding nose. Blood binds people to one another. Blood boils with passion and stokes the fires of love. Blood signifies fertility. And yes, life's blood, is often included in the price for freedom. Blood given in this manner is to be honored and held sacred. Life's blood transports oxygen, vital fluids, cures and more, necessary to sustain life. Blood is the restorative force of balance and peace. Inequality, injustice and denial of freedom are all gory violence that exist both visibly and invisibly. The bloody flag at once signifies that these ills exists and represents the cure that rids us of them. This cure takes many forms and employs many methods, including nonviolent ones. We here at the Bloody Flag and L'étendard Sanglant are revolutionaries for peace, equality and justice. We believe in an active, energetic and dynamically peaceful stance. We here will leave Movements to the realms of the bowels. Revolution is that which lives in the realm of the mind, the soul, and of the planet's life blood. Allons enfant!

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