Sunday, October 11, 2009

The intellectual dishonesty of Marty Peretz regarding Obama's statement about wearing viels

In this comment Peretz shows both intellectual dishonest and a persistent refusal to recognize the legitimacy of the Obama presidency.

Obama's remarks were made in a formal presidential speech. In such occasions are used to elaborate national policy, not personal preference. Peretz treats Obama as though he his a Fox "news" commentator.

Obama was saying that in the United States you can express your religion in any way you like as long as it does not impede upon the rights of others.

The argument for or against the veil is indeed an interesting one both in and outside Islam. Peretz's argument may have been better if he did on television wearing only a penis cap.

Many Muslim women I know are so relieved for an excuse not to be pressured to wear miniskirts that make the world their gynecologist. If Peretz seriously believes there isn't gender specific clothing pressures which demean women in western culture he must be either blind or insane.

Just because something is a problem in another culture doesn't mean that it advisable to try to influence the change.

Oboma by making it clear that wearing the veil or not is a personal choice in the United States and by stating that a woman's intrinsic rights will not be diminished by the state shows by example that the United States empowers women to express their religion as they chose.

Will this free women from pressure from family members or their religious community. No, but where else has Peretz suggested that the government dictate the outcome of individual choice?

in reference to: Barack Obama And The Veil: The President Vs. The Supreme Council Of Al-Azhar, A Pinnacle Of Muslim Orthodoxy | The New Republic (view on Google Sidewiki)

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