Perhaps the saddest element of Israel's struggles is the siege mentality that has overtaken not only Israel but many of her supporters. One begins to wonder if the experience of defending Israel against what can only be described as a literal siege has so damaged them that they will not be able to function normally even absent external threats.
Marty Peretz seems to have suffered a complete and total meltdown. He has indeed become the ultimate self hating Jew -- so much that if I were a loved one I would certainly advise him to seek psychiatric help.
He is showing classic psychosis in this article. He is paranoid. He believes himself to possess special knowledge which others can not or in this case refuse to see. Finally he ends in his final paragraph in an act of rhetorical immolation that is so earnest one wonders if the authorities should be contacted.
The special knowledge that Peretz claims to have is that found in the quote "I do not say that all Muslims are terrorists, but I have noticed that an alarmingly high proportion of terrorists are Muslim." Like most paranoid delusions the quote has kernel of truth. Some terrorist are Muslim and any percentage is alarming.
But, the supposed heightened Muslim propensity for terrorism is mostly a dangerous illusion that harms American safety. Were the Tamils secretly Muslim. Is FARC a terrorist organization? If so is are its members secretly Muslim. Were the members of the Shining Pat Muslim. Are the Mexican narco terrorist Muslim, if so what's with the Our Lady tatts? Are the Moaist terrorist in India Muslim, if so they seem to get along suspiciously well with their Hindu comrades in arms.
Muslims carried out the deadliest terrorist attack on American soil, the second deadliest not Muslim. By focusing on Islam we open ourselves to attacks from the numerous foreign and domestic non-Muslim terrorists. There are many more reliable indicators of terrorist activity than religion. Peretz secret knowledge is actually a dangerous delusion.
What is truly scary is the last two paragraphs. The majority of immigrants are Mexican. Does Peretz somehow believe that Mexico is a non-western culture. It isn't even a non-American culture. If America has the right to remain America, at what point do we freeze it in time. And, why not freeze it at the point where Jews fleeing the Holocaust where turned away? Why does Peretz hate Peretz so much? And what can be done to help him?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wouldn't you love to see Marty Peretz and Pat Buchanan locked in an elevator?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Trevor Norwitz's letter to read.
Though, I find much to disagree with in this letter, it shows the type of writing that should be coming from conservative supporters of Israel, but isn't.
Writing from such authors as Jennifer Rubin, Marty Peretz, and the editorial board of the Washington Post have the effect of damning Israel with shoddy arguments. These writers arguments are often not only only poorly written but often obviously written in such a manner that subverts Israel's interest to the domestic political agenda's of the author. Trevor Norwitz treats so fastidiously like a client, the only alternative motive that could be attributed to him is advertisement for his legal services.
in reference to: Commentary » Blog Archive » An Open Letter to Richard Goldstone (view on Google Sidewiki)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Leiberman endangers national security for cheap Fox stunt
While he was a dangerous political opportunist who used the war against Communism to support his own craven goals, the Communist threat was real. A systemic response focused on Soviet Communism was indeed warranted.
Having defeated Communism the right naturally has wanted to
"Islamist Extremism" is another kettle of fish altogether. There is not one Islamist conspiracy directed by one organization. But many conspiracies by many different Muslims located in many different regions of the world that are as much at odds with each other as they are with us. Understanding the threat this way the term "Islamic Extremist" is too broad and perhaps even underestimates the threat.
But in another sense the term is much too narrow. One of the most dangerous lies perpetrated by the likes of Lieberman is that Islam somehow is unique in its production of dangerous militants.
While Islamic terrorism has presented a unique danger to the United States to imply that actions against Muslim religious terrorism are sufficient is an incredibly dangerous under estimation of the problem.
Religious violence is actually quite common with significant acts of violence perpetrated by Christian, Jews, Sheiks, and even Buddhist and Hindus.
Much of the terrorism and even genocide in Sub Saharan Africa is directed by Christian sects. As Climate driven migration and water wars spread and our competition with China for African raw materials intensifies we are almost certain to face these types of groups.
As for the Fort Hood attacker a profile that could explain his actions could certainly include a Jewish soldier angered by a future American governments vote in the UN Security council to recognize a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders of Israel or a Christian soldier angered by the integration of openly homosexual soldiers into the armed forces.
But rather than propose responding to a threat that is decentralized and complex Lieberman chooses to promote falsehoods about the threat posed by a Fort Hood type radical. These falsehoods could give such a radical a crucial opening to do untold damage.
crossposted at